Beautiful Pedigreed Swedish Vallhunds since 2003. Otago, New Zealand.
The 4 easy steps to get on to our wait list.
1) Write To Us
Send a detailed message to us via the contact form. Tell us a bit about you and the life you could offer a dog, here are some tips on what to write. Include your phone number.
3) Fill In Our Form
If you are offered a place on our wait list, we will send you our wait list form. This is for all your contact details and describes your work/home situation and your choices for male or female, special considerations etc.
2) We Will Phone You
We will call you at a mutually agreed time and have a chat about the breed and work out between us, if a Swedish Vallhund would work for you. This is a friendly 20-30 minute call.
4) Join Telegram
Once we have your form back, we may ask for a small deposit and have you download the Telegram App so you can join the chat group of others (new friends) waiting for a puppy off the same litter.